Glasses Vs. Contacts: Choosing the right accessory

Contact or Glasses….

What to wear?

The choice is completely yours.

I have tried both and I currently wear glasses, but would like to venture into the world of contacts again.

Let’s start with Contacts

Choosing the right eye accessory

I decided to purchase contacts because back in the day before I was saved by the blood of Jesus, I was getting it in at the club. I mean I was getting down.

With the sweat dripping down my face my $500.00 pair of Sean John frames fell to the ground and I instantly went into a panic. There were lots of people around me and I couldn’t afford a whole new pair at the time if someone stepped on them.

I told myself never again and decided to get contacts.

When I received my first pair of contacts it took me nearly 15 minutes to get them in. I am not kidding, eyes have a natural reaction to prevent foreign objects from entering, contacts will continue to be a foreign object if you don’t practice inserting them. It’ll get easier once you do.

Hygiene Tip: Always remember to change contacts every 2 weeks as directed on the box.

This is because after two weeks contacts begin the loose its prescription, so by thinking that you’re persevering the remainder contacts you’re only damaging your eyes.

Based on experience, I was ordered by an Opthomalogist (eye specialist) in 2014  to stop wearing contacts due to the blood vessels forming in my eyes.

Also, always remember to remove contacts before bed or you’ll wake up with EXTREMELY dry eyes. Cue Ben Stein 


The cost of contacts may vary by brand. I normally purchase Freshlook Colorblends for the color choices. I mean if you’re going to wear contacts why not change your eye color while you’re at it. Don’t go all crazy now, choose a color that matches your completion.

I purchased mine from where I received four boxes six contacts in each box that lasted a little over 6 months for $171.86 (based on 2014 pricing).

Breakdown: 4 boxes= 2 boxes to each eye= 24 lenses = 12 for each prescription

All for $171.86!

Remember: You have to be fitted for contacts and can’t purchase without a current prescription from your doctor’s office.


I love a good bargain and most vision centers have  2 for 1 on frames deals with many to choose from.  Inventory includes various designers ranging from Fendi to Prada as well as non-brands.

Choose your frames wisely. You can have a frame for work and one for the weekends. For instance these two below:

Work glasses

If you prefer sunglasses, no problem, have your prescription added to your favourite pair or purchase a new pair instead of adding the transition to the lenses.

Before your appointment, contact your insurance provider. Find out what is covered and what’s not. More than likely designer frames aren’t covered, but there are so many other nice frames try them out before heading to the designers you may be surprised!

Whatever you chose may boil down to your budget and what you’re comfortable with.

Remember to always stay within your budget. Your don’t have to fo broke to look cute.


Neressa S Henry

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