Choosing your University: Guide for International Students

So you want to go to college.

If you’re from the Caribbean like me this choice may be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. When I  choose my University,  I simply went to the College Board website, entered my preference like school size, class size, state etc.  There was only ONE match, I applied and got accepted to that University!

Risky I know, but I enjoyed my time and have no regrets.

Choosing a major

Now, before applying to any school, first ensure that what you’re studying is ESSENTIAL in your country. What do I mean? Have you seen the news, many students are being internationally educated, but when they return home, there are no jobs. When you’re finished it may be difficult getting a job depending on your degree. Most islands should have a priority list for personnel, ask your local education department about this. These occupations, for example, include teachers, doctors, nurses, financial advisors, accountants etc. If you don’t see anything on the list that appeals to you, study something you’d enjoy and can profit from. Also, be mindful that to afford college these days require student loans so be wise in your choice.

Now that you’ve figured out. Start searching for schools.

Physical Vs. Online University

First things first, decide whether you would like to attend a physical college or study online. Those with families most likely will complete an online degree while single folk will prefer to experience campus life. This decision will also be based on your learning style. Some persons thrive in a classroom while others don’t. Think about this carefully, you don’t want to arrive on campus, attend a week of classes then decide that it’s not right for you.

Try online courses first before deciding;  Coursera provides a wide range of FREE courses!


Next, decide on your location whether the United States, United Kingdom or the Caribbean, weigh your options. Depending on the chosen major your location will be known right away. For instance, if you’re planning on studying law and would like to return to the Caribbean the UK would be best. If you’ll like to be a doctor, Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados or UK are the options.

My advice is based on my US experience since that’s where I attended University.

Have a state (country) in mind that you have family members, a state you’ve visited previously and enjoyed. Take into consideration weather conditions. If you despise cold weather, choosing a state that snows wouldn’t be the smartest thing, therefore stick to the southern states (no snow, but it does get cold). Also, think about how frequent you’d like to return home, this affects your decision on choosing a location. Would you like to take trips during summer or winter breaks or none at all.

Choosing your University


Campus sizes can prove to be overwhelming and intimidating for some of us. Some Universities have towns located within them while others are quite smaller with less than 100,000 students. Class sizes may also be a factor based on your learning style. Do you prefer lecture-sized classes or classrooms? Additionally, you may want to attend a Historically Black College/University (HBCU) or a school with diversity. The choice is yours.


As an international student, the cost of school is exponentially high. Attaining a scholarship from your government agency will be your first step. Find out which schools they offer scholarships too and if they have agreements with various Universities (Perks). Now when searching, find out if they provide funding to international students through scholarships or waivers. More than likely you’ll have to be a full-time student and enrolled for a year before you can receive such rewards. Nevertheless, it helps!

***International tuitions are an additional $8,000 or more to regular (in-state) tuition, books not included.


Pointer → Get an American drivers license, it’ll be cost effective especially when obtaining car insurance.

Once you bear these things in mind, University life may be easier than expected.

Neressa S Henry

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